
LG D722 Optimus G3 - touchscreen / lens titan, black (Mini)

  • Offer type: Product

  • Manufacturer: LG
  • Genuine / original: Yes (authentic, top quality)
  • Condition: Brand new

  • Factory number: EBD61885501

  • Compatibility: D722 Optimus G3 Mini D722 G3s,G3 Beat, G3 s

  • Store code: 5278
  • Gauge: A - cheap shipping

  • Last update: 2017-10-31 10:09:36
  • The offer of: 2017-10-31 10:04:56

net: 26.87 EUR
gross: 33.05 EUR

  out of stock *

* stock verified as of: 2017-10-31 10:09:36. We strive to condition was consistent with the actual situation. After placing the order, you will receive information about the possibility of implementation.

LG D722 Optimus G3 - touchscreen / lens titan, black (Mini)

Product description:

LG D722 Optimus G3 - touchscreen / lens titan, black (Mini)